diumenge, 30 d’octubre del 2022

La Plataforma per la Família ingressa a la FAFCE


La Plataforma per la Família Catalunya-ONU ha ingressat a la Federació d’Associacions Familiars Catòliques d’Europa (FAFCE). L’acte oficial d’ingrés va tenir lloc durant l’Assemblea de la Federació celebrada entre els dies 18 i 21 d’octubre de 2022 a París.

De fet, la documentació havia estat presentada mesos abans per la Plataforma, però feia falta que s’aprovés oficialment. Amb la presència de representants de 15 països va ser aprovat per unanimitat.

Aquesta incorporació significa un pas important cap a la internacionalització de la Plataforma i la seva participació en institucions europees.


El president de la Plataforma, Daniel Arasa, va pronunciar el discurs de petició d’incorporació, senyalant que la Plataforma no és confessional, tot i que les seves bases són les de l’humanisme cristià.

El text del discurs és el següent (en anglès, la llegua oficial utilitzada):

 Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for your warm welcome at FAFCE.

Merci beaucoup a l’organization française que a preparé cette encontre.

I feel honored for having the opportunity to present the candidacy of the Catalonia Platform for the Family (PFC-ONU) to become a member of the FAFCE.

What is the UN Catalonia Platform for the Family?

It’s a non-governmental, non-for-profit organization that brings together more than thirty (30) entities on family, social issues, education and care. Our aim is to support families, defend family as a social institution and promote its values.

It is based on Christian humanisme, although it is not confessional.

Based in Barcelona, in Spain, the Catalonia Platform for the Family is the biggest organization in Catalonia on the field. It is registered as a collaborative body in the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

How was the Platform created?

The UN Catalonia Platform for the Family was created in 2012 in response to the declaration of 2014 as the International Year of the family by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Does the platform have any precedent?

The Platform follows on the activities of previous organizations. Actually, it is a new name, buy not new organization.

In 1993, a small group of people based in Barcelona and already working in family education (family enrichment) had decided to start up a set of activities related to the family.

We created the Grup d’Entitats Catalanes de la Família (GEC) which coordinated the activity of more than 200 existing organizations that worked in the field. GEC worked for 20 years and now the Platform is the heir of that project.

It’s also worth mentioning that some of the members of the boards in the associations of the Platform have been working in the social and family world for more than forty (40) years.

Is the Platform working in other areas?

The Platform can work in all fields regarding the family and the society in relation to the family.

In particular, we work on:

  • Family policies
  • Reconciliation on work and family life
  • Intergenerational cooperation
  • Training programs aimed to develop humanistic and ethical values among parents and other family members.
  • Activities to defend needed families, older people and kids.
  • The low birth rates, the demographics Winter and its impact in the future of society. Today, the General Stades of Natality. Three years ago we published this book, entitled “Why the families have not children? (I have several copies, in Spanish). Next November 14, another event in Barcelona about that. You all are invited. In that day, we also will give to Mr. Vincenzo Bassi the award “Figther for the family”.
  • Another Platform actions: In that moment, fight gender ideology is very important.

What’s our public presence?

The Platform has no political or economic connections to any party or private group. However, one of our main goals is to make the family present in the public scene and to set the family agenda in the public institutions.

We have presented dozens of proposals to governments, policy makers and political parties. We participate in media debates and we work actively in social media.

How we colaborate with other organizations?

The Platform collaborates with many organizations. Firstly, with the different associations, integrated in the Platform, but also with third parties with specific activities or initiatives.

What’s the scope of the Platform?

We work at a regional level, having Catalonia as a natural base of 7,5 (seven point five) million people. However, this is not an obstacle to work in collaboration with other organizations at Spanish, European or Worldwide level.

What’s our relationship with Public Institutions

Usually, during a lot of years, The Platform maintains a fluent relationship with all the political and social institutions in Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.

In that moment, this is more difficult, because all goverments in Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain are against family.

Why do we want to become members of the FAFCE?

Well, it’s our aim to broaden our contact and relationship with other worldwide family organizations, so that we can better contribute to defend the family and, at the same time, exchanging information and best practices with them.

Given the idiosyncrasy of the Platform and our scope, it’s our understanding that we can join FAFCE as a member.

For all these reasons and with the will of becoming a member, we ask for admission.

I present the letter of Barcelona’s cardinal, and our petition

Thank you very much for your attention.

La segona part de les sessions van ser organitzades per l’AFC (Associations Familiales Catholiques) de França, que agrupa a les entitats familiars d’aquell país.  Es va tractar de la Natalitat, amb la participació en presencia física o telemàtica de diverses personalitats de la política europea i francesa, així com experts en demografia. Les sessions s’enquadren en el que la FAFCE ha anomenat Estats Generals de la Natalitat, on es van tractant aspectes relacionats amb l’hivern demogràfic.